Is it real? or is just an illusion? It's so pretty at the begginig...so incredible...you can almost touch and taste the paradise, you feel in heaven...you can't believe it's happening, neither that it's real, and that he actually exists...the you find yourself crying...because you saw that couple, and now what you can't belive, it's that it is gone...you lost it...now is just a memory, of how you would like your life to be for ever...even though now is for shure...it's just an illusion...is real for a limited time...and you already spend it all...there isn't left anymore...it's time to go on...it's impossible not to look back, feel a tear go down your cheek, close your eyes for a while...try to remember how it felt, how it was, the happiness you felt...and then wishing that never happened, so going on wouldn't be so dificult, walk away, into a cold path, wishing in a, still warm, corner of your heart, to find something so incredible in what lies ahead of you.
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