HoneyPie con Centro Liquido Sabor a Anacaturrisima

Monday, November 14, 2011

...I'll hang on, I will. Right now things don't seem very nice, or happy, or promising, or just damn anything that could make me smile. But I'll hang on, I'll try. I have always done that, right now I suppose thats like my only quality, haven't found yet what am I really good at. Just at taking life's (not soft at all) punches, and getting up. I always get up. Right now I wonder if wouldn't it be better if I just stay there, if I just lay down, if maybe I stop trying, if ... it's raining outside...but I feel cold and wet inside... I like rainy days, I usually like them, or sunny, but right now... right now I... I feel lost, sad, alone, and well... I'll let the tears from the sky tickle me as they slip through my cracks...I'll hang on, I will.


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