HoneyPie con Centro Liquido Sabor a Anacaturrisima

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Way You Make Me Feel

You make me feel like no one makes me feel, you make me smile when I thought that is imposible even for you to make me smile, you make me happy just by being in my mind, you see my soul just by a glance into my eyes, you tell me that you love me and how beautiful I am just by the way you look at me, you make me feel like flying just by holding me in your arms, you make me feel completely Happy just by being there for me...you have no idea of how much I do Love You

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Know

You've got such a pretty smile
It's a shame the things you hide behind it
Let 'em go
Give it up for a while
Let 'em free and we will both go find it
I know there's nowhere you can hide it
I know the feeling of alone
I know that you do not feel invited
But, come back, come back in from the cold
Step away then from the edge
Your best friend in life is not your mirror
Back away, come
Back away, come
Back away, come
Back away, come
Back away, come
Back away...
I am here and I will be forever and ever and I ...
I know that there's nowhere you can hide it
I know the feeling of alone
Trust me and don't keep that on the inside
Soon you'll be locked out on your own
You're not alone
You're not alone
And don't say you've never been told
I'll be with you 'til we grow old
'Til I'm in the ground and I'm cold
I'm not sitting up here on some throne
I'll be with you 'til we grow up young
Like a dog you can always come home
Dig up a bone
Look around Down baby downtown
Don't throw me to the pound...


Used Whore Rotten Broke Sin Rotten Sinner Dirty DeepBadBlack Bitch Rotten Horrible Bad Whore GoneInnocence Rotten Rat Bitch

Monday, March 24, 2008


Oda A una Abeja

Es una abejita, godita y peludita, popochisima. Despues de haberse sumergido entre esa flor tan provocativa y haber rondado por ahi, entre ese jardin, ella se eleva, y vuela alto alto, sobre las copas de los arboles mas altos. Mira haci abajo, unas cuantas vacas pastan apaciblemente en el potrero, el gran gran plato de ensalada ilimitada que las rodea, su piel es blanca y negra, contrastando con el verdor del fondo que las rodea. En el siguiente lote un perro corretea detras de la niñas con el vestido rosa, ella se tropieza y cae en un charco, no para de reir mientras consiente al perro que lame su carita embarrada y sonriente. Vuela vuela vuela, y sigue volando, se eleva siente la alegria de ese dia soleado, mira al cielo, las nubes, el sol...la luna q timidamente ha decidido ver el dia antes de sumergirse en la oscuridad...vuelve a mirar las vacas manchadas pisotendo su gran ensalada, la niña llegando a su casa con el perro ahora tambien enlodado...ve todo esto y piensa "oh! que gordita soooy! que bonita soooy!que peludita y feliz soy!"